Jacqueline Pasternack in Columbus, OH practices in the areas of Domestic Violence and Aggravated Menacing, Assault, Drunk Driving (DUI/OVI), License Suspension (DUS), Probation Revocation, and Divorce/Dissolution. Regardless of the case at hand, Jacqueline Pasternack will treat you and your needs with utmost importance. Her unrivaled knowledge of the law and her skill at dealing with cases have made her one of the best lawyers in Columbus, Ohio. She provides free quotes and also gives free phone consultations!
Jacqueline Pasternack Attorney-DUI/OVI, Domestic Violence
Our Specializations
Here you will find an overview of the fields of law Jacqueline Pasternack practices
Traffic Law
- Driving Under Suspension (DUS)
- Hit-Skip
Whether you need an attorney for a DUI/OVI case or your license has been suspended much to your dismay, do not worry. Jacqueline Pasternack is the lawyer to call.
Domestic Violence & Aggravated Menacing
You should not have to suffer through an abusive relationship. Jacqueline Pasternack can help you resolve these situations.
Family Law
- Dissolution
- Divorce
From custody disputes to divorce proceedings, Jacqueline will represent you in all facets of family law. Without question, some of the most emotionally-charged issues in all of law fall under the domain of family law. Are you having legal issues regarding marriage, divorce, or are you seeking custody of children? Jacqueline Pasternack can guide you through your issues.
Probation Revocation
You have the right to an attorney if you are facing jail time as a result of a probation violation. Jacqueline Pasternack can help you limit or avoid jail time as a result of a probation issue.
Do you have questions about our services?
Contact us at 614 867-5294 or via our contact form.
Contact Us
Jacqueline Pasternack Attorney At Law
4347 Harborough Rd
Columbus, OH 43220
Phone: 614 867-5294
Email: info@jpohiolaw.com
Office Hours
Never too early or too late to call
Free Quote and Free Phone
Great Representation
at Affordable Rates.